Covid 19 and Dutch Festival's

Published on 9 May 2020 at 18:29

Due to the Covid19 outbreak all over the world, we have learned that festivals have been cancelled or postponed.

Below are some of them:


We have learned that Borefts 2020 will definitively not proceed. Normally this festival is held on 2 days in september.  Due to the Covid19 outbreak, and the brewers coming in from all over the word it seemed to high a risk to let this go on. Over this 2 day period they also expected around 7000 people, also coming in from all over the world. Besides that it was not possible to postpone it to a later date. We will expect a even better Borefts 2021.


Van Mollfest 2020 was supposed to be held on august 29 and 30 of 2020. Due to the guidelines of the dutch government and the RIVM, this one has been postponed untill further notice. van Moll gave stated to see if a later date is still in the cards. Check their facebook for updates, or here when news comes in.


Oak Aged festival at brewery the Pelgrim in Rotterdam has been postponed. This well liked festival serving only Oaked Beers is held on 1 day, in two rounds of 3 hours. It was first supposed to start on the 5th of april, but due to the outbreak changed to october 4th.


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