Published on 4 July 2020 at 20:06

We finally have some great news, regarding our own brewery!

We have learned that our new brew machine coming from the USA, had finally a shipping date. The brewmachine will we shipped mid August, and is expected to come in around mid September.

In advance of this, we have begone to look for cool hops to brew with. As the looks of the poll, where we asked you wich style we should brew first, we will start with a stout.

We are really excited to finally start brewing, in small and exclusive batches. First to trade our beers with other home brewers, to see if they are well received.


Some ideas we are starting with (as we have had good results before):

Oak nibs on different whiskey's

Oak nibs on different liquer's

Brews with home grown figss, and herbs.


And offcourse to start with sours, ciders and fruity beers as well as dark ale's, chocolat stouts and great hoppy IPA's.

Look out for our first beers to come out end of August, give us a mail if you would like to trade home brews, and lets start tasting awesome beers.

The Colossal Cat Brewing Team.

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