yesterday we had a group of friends over to help us with the tasting of our newest oak aged batches. Keeping in mind the Corona restrictions, we allowed some space where we could stay at a minimum of 1,5 meters seperated. The tasting itself showed that we could improve on the first batch we made. Here is the review!
#2 Buaine Mhoine strong
The base stout held up good, giving a dark color. Abv stood at 8,6% abv and upon opening had a satisfactory compression. First poor was good, with a good foam coming with it. The foam itself dark brown, wich lasted around 30 seconds before dissapearing. There is some work to be done there.
The nose is great with chocolat, maltyness and a good oaky and whisky note. Upon tasting the beer, there is a very good chocolat and coffee at the beginning. Slowly the oak and whisky come in and they last pretty good. The alcohol is present and the beer has a good carbonisation to it. Also the body is nice and sticky, with a light oily twist.
All in all, a very satifactory tasting of this one, with a rating of 4 out of 5.
#3 Aberfeldy 12 yrs.
The base stout was exactly as described above with batch #2. Same color, smell and foam.
Nose here is also chocolat and coffee with oak and whisky. The tasting also comes with chocolat and coffee at the beginning and ending in a oaky and bit milder whisky touch. There is also a kind of nutty flavor to it. Also sticky and oily.
Also a very good one with also a 4 out of 5 rating on untappd!.
So the new fermenters did their jobs, and we have a good balance on the batches #2 and #3. We are looking forward to the next two oak aged batches. Wich whisky's will we used is still a surprise for now.
See you soon!
The Colossal Cat brewing Team!

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