After a long day of grinding the malts, sanitizing the materials, making the beer and cleaning everything up and fermenting.... the best day is when the measurements are done, and the beer is ready to bottle. Finally the day you can really start to see and smell the beer and have a quick taste.
Well wel started with our Terra Nova, or our Terra spiced up to a 8.9% abv, and damn this smells so awesome. Clear chocolat, coffee and roasted notes almost got me drunk just to smell it. It looks indeed like our first, medium thick and creamy. The first taste is exactly as above, so we will see after 4 to 6 weeks of riping how they will turn out.
Then we did the Terra Nova batch #1 on Bunnahabhain whisky. And yes as above, the chocolat and coffee are combined with aromatich whisky and oak with roasted notes. This one seemed actually slightly sweeter, but damn this is gonna be a good one. We also are gonna see after the bottle riping what is turns out to be.
Offcourse we also kegged the Terra Nova, and force carbonate it. We will see next week how this is gonna taste.
Keep you posted as this develop's.
The Colossal Cat Brewing Team.

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