New Oak aged batches Announced!!

Published on 24 March 2021 at 21:17

We have made 4 gallons of our base stout, with the intent to split it into two oak aged batches. We could finally use our two new conical fermenters.

The brewing process went great, and looked and smelled awesome again. After brewing we split the 4 gallons in two 2 gallon batches with both a different oak aged whisky. So here is the announcement of batch 2 and 3....


Batch 2 will be on Buaine Mhoine strong whisky, with an abv of 56% aged on great american oak.

Batch 3 will be on Aberfeldy 12 yrs whisky, with an abv of 40% aged also on American oak.


These (like all other whisky's we have waiting for future oak aged versions) were tasted by us, so we can guaranteee the better flavoured whisky's for our oak aged series. Next week we will see how the fermentation is going, and when we can bottle them.

Soon we will be placing the labels online, so look for them soon.


The Colossal Cat Brewing Team!

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