Terra from the Keg Reviewed!

Published on 10 December 2020 at 22:00

When the brewing of this one was done, we allready got glimpse of the beer itself before fermentation. The color was deep dark and the smell was allready great. After fermentation was done, the botteling was a joy as the liquid gold just smelled so good it was like a good high for me.

First we filled our 1 gallon (3,8 liter) keg and carbonized it. Then we bottled the remaining beer into 20 bottles. We labelled the beer with our cool new label and places them in our riping room. After two days we placed our Keg in our cooler and made an appointment to taste and review the kegged version.

The review:

Well when we pulled the handle and the beer came out it was actually a joy. The carbonisation was done good and it gave a very dark/brown foam on top. Well thicked and long lasting. The beer itself insanely dark, blacker then black. On the nose deep dark chocolat, a very nice coffee smell and something roasty. The first taste was very nice indeed, rich on the dark chocolat going over in a tasty coffee/espresso touch. Good roasted barly flavor with a sweet creamyness, almost milky like. The body was just phenomenal medium thick and creamy, leaving a very long lasting taste in our mouth's.

We dont lie when we call this one our best beer yet!

This was meant to be the base for our upcoming Oak Aged series, and seeing how this base stout came out.... well we have a very good feeling about the Oak Aged versions coming soon. If you are in the neighboorhood, give us a message and maybe you can get a bottle to share with someone special during christmas. It still needs 2 weeks of riping anyway. We only ask a Untapped review in return!

Happy Hollidays from the Colossal Cat Brewing team!

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